OneDrive for Linux

How to Get OneDrive for Linux | Simple methods

One of the lost features in Linux is the standard Windows PC applications like Mail, OneDrive as they don’t come preinstalled. In every Windows PC, all the Microsft applications will be pre-installed. When you switch of Windows to Linux, you need to install many applications manually. If you want to use OneDrive on Linux, you need to do some workarounds.

As OneDrive offers 5GB of free cloud storage to every user, it is one of the must-have apps. With the 5GB storage, you can free up your disk space and save files on your cloud.

OneDrive for Linux

As of today, the OneDrive application is not possible for any Linux distribution. However, you can utilise Insync third party device on Linux to access the OneDrive. Like Insync, a lot of tools available like Onedrived or Rclone. This post will guide you to install Insync on Linux as it is the simplest tool.

How to Instal Insync on Linux

When Insync is launched for the first time, it doesn’t have the help for OneDrive. You can sync only Google Drive. However, Insycn version 3 came out with OneDrive support. Let see how to do it.

Insync Subscription

After the 15-day free trial, you need to pay a subscription to access InSync. The subscription starts at $29.99 per user.

(1) At first, continue to the Insync website on your Linux PC.

(2) Agree to the Linux icon to get the Linux version of the application.


(3) Today, click the Download for Linux button. Select your Linux distribution and the version.


(4) After that, agree to the Download button to download your Linux PC application.


(5) Once the file is downloaded, install the Insync on your Linux PC utilising any package installer.

(6) Launch the application, and you will get a screen similar to the one mentioned below.

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OneDrive for Linux

(7) Select the OneDrive option and log-in with your Microsoft account.

(8) Choose a base folder where you want to save and sync your OneDrive files.

OneDrive for Linux

(9) In the most advanced version, you can select the folders that you want to sync rather than syncing the whole account.

That’s it, you have synced your OneDrive account on your Linux. If you want to access your OneDrive account for available, you can use the OneDrive website.

This is how you get your OneDrive account on your Linux. After this, access your OneDrive account straight from your Linux and sync all your cloud files with ease. If you have any doubts about Linux or its distribution, let us know in the comments section.